Connect a Bluetooth Keyboard, Foot Pedal, or Remote to Projector to enable hands-free slide control. If you have an iPad Pro with the attached keyboard cover, that will also behave like a Bluetooth Keyboard, so keep that in mind as you read this article.
Default Setup
Bluetooth connected pedals and clickers such as AirTurn and PageFlip pedals can be set to a Projector-compatible keyboard command mode (Up arrow / Down arrow, or Spacebar / Return). If you set the pedal to use the Up arrow / Down arrow command set, then you will not need to 'teach' Projector the pedal settings, since those keyboard shortcuts are built-in to Projector to move to next (Down arrow) and previous (Up arrow) slides. Otherwise, you can set specific commands within Projector (see below).
You can also use any other bluetooth keyboard or remote without any additional set up as long as they use the Up arrow (or Left arrow) to go to the previous slide, and the Down arrow (or Right arrow) to go to the next slide. If not, you can set specific commands within Projector (see below).
Access Settings for Customization
- Open the Sidebar
- Tap Settings
Keyboard & Pedal Settings
Keyboard controls are enabled by default and can be disabled manually. These controls will work the moment you pair your keyboard to your device. (See article on Keyboard Shortcuts)
- "B" key triggers black screen
- "L" key triggers logo
- "C" key clears lyrics
- Space bar advances slide
Pedal controls are set when you select an action in Projector's settings and then press the pedal (or button on the remote)
- Pedal next key - Advances to the next slide to be presented
- Pedal previous key - Go back to the previous slide presented
When the following "special" keys are pressed on the keyboard or pedal (via the pedal's mapping to keyboard command), the settings will show the corresponding text:
- Spacebar key: "Spacebar"
- Return (or Enter) key: "Return"
- Right arrow key: "Right Arrow"
- Down arrow key: "Down Arrow"
- Left arrow key: "Left Arrow"
- Up arrow key: "Up Arrow"
Troubleshooting Bluetooth Pedal Connections
If you have paired your bluetooth pedal to your iOS device, but are finding it difficult to turn the pages, it may be because your pedal is on the wrong "Mode" or "Profile". Be sure to check your pedal's documentation on how to change the mode in order for your pedal to be able to control slides in Projector. You can also verify by tapping "Pedal & Keyboard Input" and follow the instructions shown above.